Tuesday, November 3, 2009

TWD: Sugar Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

To make life easier on all us TWD'rs, the month of November, we get to actually pick the order of the 4 recipes. This weeks TWD (at least for me) is Sugar Topped Molasses Spice Cookies.

When I read the November roster I picked these cookies first. Mainly because I have been craving gingersnaps and I figured this would be very close (well in reality they are gingersnaps). I made these along with peanut butter cookies on Halloween since my husband has been asking me to make those. I have always had good luck with Dorie's cookies so I figured we would be in for a real treat. (get it...trick or treat......yea....lame I know).

The molasses cookies were very easy to put together, they just need some freezing/chill time. I baked half my dough, the other half, I saved for later. (I'm in to freezing cookie batter now so that I always have some ready to go--you know, for EMERGENCIES).

The only difficulty I had with these were that they spread together despite keeping ample space between them. These were good, very molasses-y. The only thing is, I really like mine chewy and prefer the old time-y "Joy of Cooking" recipe that I made last fall. But if you are looking for one with a crunch ending with chewy, this would be your cookie. These would be great broken up over ice cream or even mixed in with some savory dishes like pumpkin ravioli. hmmm...I think I have an idea.....

Stay tuned for the rest of this months fabulous fall desserts that us TWD bakers will be whipping up. Don't forget to check out TWD's blogroll to see what the other bakers are up to.

A special thanks to our host, Pamela from Cookies with Boys for the Sugar Topped Molasses Spice Cookies. For the recipe head over to her page!


  1. Your cookies look terrific! I loved them as well. Great idea about pairing this with a something savory!!

  2. Oooo, broken up over vanilla ice cream sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to try these.

  3. I agree delicious cookies - and great for emergencies!

  4. Those cookies look like they were a real treat! I so approve of the keeping dough in the freezer for emergencies. I need to start doing that. I'm excited to make these cookies. I'll remember to make sure I don't crowd the cookie sheet -- thanks for that tip.

  5. Your cookies look great! I think that ginger flavor at this time of year is awesome! Makes me want to grab a cup of coffee and one of your cookies :)

  6. Cookies look tasty. Crumbled on ice cream. Perfect!!

  7. Thanks for baking the cookies with me. I really loved these cookies and have baked them 2x so far. My first batch ran like crazy and resulted in paper thin cookies. I had better luck the second time. I'll have to check out that Joy of Cooking recipe.

  8. Im glad you liked them even if they weren't chewy! Im going to make this one soon!

  9. I'm with you on breaking these cookies up in to pieces. Best eaten on top of my yogurt. :-)
