Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TWD: Cran-Apple Crisps

It's TWD again! Em from The Repressed Pastry Chef is our host, so if you are interested in the recipe, be sure to head over to her page!

The best part about November's TWD is that we can bake any of the four recipes--in any order. So be sure to check out TWD's blog roll to see what everyone else is up to!

I happen to love fruit crisps of any kind in the fall. I'm pretty sure its one of my husband's favorites too--because that is usually something he eyes on a menu besides cake or ice cream.

I actually made these yesterday for dinner at my neighbors, but last minute plans to change to a sushi restaurant had them left behind in the refrigerator. So tonight, I was excited that these were all put together just waiting to be popped in the oven.

To be honest, if you are looking for a QUICK dessert on a week night, this is definitely a winner. I put this together in less than 20 minutes....that included peeling and chopping the apples. It's so incredibly easy...which I love!

The only change I made was omitting the coconut because I used all mine up for a German chocolate cake a few weeks ago for my Grandma's 80th Birthday party.

Pair these up with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, or eat them all by themselves. Any way you choose, you can't go wrong, this was totally amazing!



  1. Right! Quick and delicious and perfect for fall. My husband really loves this kind of thing, too.

  2. Love that pic. Pretty with the cinnamon sticks. These were good, weren't they.
