Tuesday, March 17, 2009

TWD: French Yogurt Cake sans the Marmalade Glaze

The whole process of making this cake made me smile. It’s just what I needed to get back in the TWD saddle. I don’t know if it was that this cake is made out of old fashioned (but simple) manual labor or if it was the pure sound of my whisk hitting the side of the bowl. I love that sound more than anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely have a love affair with my kitchen aid stand mixer. If it were between my mixer and my favorite shoes to grab in a fire, I would probably grab my mixer (even though it weighs about 50 pounds). But I loved the fact that this was a recipe that goes back to basics, all done by hand, in less than 10 minutes. If I closed my eyes, I could picture myself in some country kitchen in France…oh how I wish that were true.

And thank goodness this cake was a cinch to make because I was making my husband’s birthday cake…per his request, which was a 4 component cake, on the same day. So needless to say my kitchen was bustling all afternoon.

I did change the recipe a bit. First, I have tried to love ground almonds but I found that I just haven’t developed the taste for them; I think it’s really more of a texture thing I just can’t seem to get over. It’s such a shame too because almonds are SOO good for you. So I just used the additional flour per Dorie’s suggestion. I also added a whole teaspoon of vanilla…because more is more to me when it comes to vanilla. I know…I live on the edge.

There were a few suggestions for the cake—and actually it’s traditionally served with a marmalade jam. I am just not a jam on anything but toast kind of girl….so I took Dorie’s ‘playing around’ suggestion and turned it into a strawberry shortcake. OMG. First, strawberries and lemon always play nicely but what is so great about this is that the shortcake part (the cake) isn’t dry so it just made heavenly strawberry shortcake. But all this aside, this cake really doesn’t need anything to ‘dress’ it because it’s moist and delicious all on its own. Thanks again, Dorie, for a great recipe!

If you would like to view the recipe you can visit Tuesday with Dorie's host this week, Liliana of My Cookbook Addiction or you can purchase Dorie's book: "Baking From My Home to Yours". Don't forget to see all the great variations of this cake by checking out what the other bakers did this week on Dorie's blogroll.
Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!!


  1. I love strawberry shortcake and I bet that this cake was a wonderful base for it. I also applaud your whole teaspoon of vanilla approach. I love vanilla too and I've gotten to the point where I don't really measure it, I just put in the amount that looks good to me.

  2. HA! I know...I don't measure either...its always a splash or how ever much escapes the bottle. ;P

  3. No, this cake doesn't need anything; it's pretty comfortable naked, as I learned. But doesn't it look and taste great when properly outfitted?! Strawberry shortcake that doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth? Yes please.

    I thought I did a bunch of baking in a short amount of time (well, I did) but I'm astounded that you made this cake the same day as that extravaganza in your last post. My hat's off to you! Have some cake!

  4. I would TOTALLY grab my KA mixer before anything else! The cake looks delicious!

  5. That strawberry shortcake looks to die for. FANTASTIC!!!!!

    And two cakes on the same day. Way to go!!! When I get in a deep, deep baking mode I can get a little carried away and do several things on the same day. But what fun!!!

  6. Oh boy, does that strawberry shortcake look great! I agree more is more when it comes to vanilla, and I bet it gave your cake a wonderful flavor. Your comment about only liking jam on toast made me wonder how this cake would be, sliced and toasted...mmmm.

  7. This is a wonderful cake and is good without anything but so much better with, especially strawberries, yum!

  8. I love your topping..looks so good! I was very pleased with this recipe!

  9. oooh! I think this would be a FABULOUS strawberry shortcake!! Oh, and once I knew my kids were safe, I'd grab the KitchenAid next.

  10. I can handle making several things on the same day....my problem really lies in...cleaning all the dishes! ha!

    Leslie--your 'toast' idea sounds divine...I may be whipping up another one of these today...with all these ideas Im dying for more!

  11. I too love the old fashioned manual labor recipes. The simpleness is so enjoyable. I had mine with strawberries and whipped cream too.

  12. Your strawberry shortcake looks delicious! I liked this cake all on its own too. :)

  13. well done, your cake looks great , love the strawberry topping ;-))

  14. Your cake looks delicious! I also left off the glaze!
