Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TWD: Blueberry Crumb Cake

I can’t believe its Tuesday again, nor can I believe the month of March is already ending.

How did that happen?

Oh yes, I’ve been covered in flour and frosting for the entire month so I probably forgot where and who I was.

I have been taking the Wilton classes for 2 months and all I have done is bake and endure hours and hours of making royal icing flowers. Flowers I was up cursing until 10:30 last night as I hurriedly tried to complete them before my final class today. I think I may have to take a break from making layered cakes for a bit…for sanity purposes.

Oh right…you are here for TWD…

We have had some great hosts for TWD this month! I have been eying this Blueberry Crumb Cake since I purchased “Baking From My Home to Yours” so I was rather excited when I saw it on March’s baking roster. A big “thanks” to Sihan of Befuddlement for hosting Tuesdays With Dorie this week. If you would like to see the recipe. You can also check out how the other bakers faired this week by clicking on TWD’s blogroll.

The cake was pretty straight forward and easy to make, and could even be split into parts to make it in (i.e. the crumb topping then the cake portion). I really played it boring this week and just followed the recipe because I love blueberries and didn’t feel it necessary to change up an already “good thing”.

My crumb topping wasn’t overly ‘crumb like’ that I would see on a coffee cake at a bakery so it’s possible I broke the crumbs into too small of pieces. I think I will try this with turbinado sugar next time. Maybe that would create a larger, crunchier crumb? Either way, I loved the extra crunch of the sugar and nuts on top. Overall the rest of the cake was moist and despite ‘flouring’ the blueberries, they still seemed to work their way to the bottom of the cake. *shrugs*

Both “Mr. Coco” and I loved this cake; he even asked to take a piece to work to eat while drinking his coffee. (Even for the sweet tooth man he is, he rarely takes any to work so I will take this as a job well done).

Thanks again Sihan for hosting!

Next week: Coconut Butter Thins!


  1. This looks delicious! And I bet it tastes a whole lot better than royal icing!

  2. Yay! This looks super delicious and I'm glad that you and your hubs liked it.

  3. My blueberries sank to the bottom, too! Oh well - as long as they stayed in the pans, right?

  4. Ah yes, the Wilton Classes. My daughter and I took them over the summer and I couldn't stand the smell of icing for days afterwards! But they were great fun!

    This cake was a keeper, that's for sure.

  5. Leslie-uh huh...much better than royal icing. Royal icing not only tasted bad...but smelled funky!

    Jessica- Thanks! There is none left!

    Jayne-Not sure what was with the blueberries...Dorie's looked evenly distrubuted but...awell! Taste is what matters, right?

    Megan-Agreed. Im over frosting. So over it.

  6. Looks yummy.

    Yeah, I made tons of those flowers too. And still have some in the freezer to use when I need them. Just for looks of course. The classes were fun, tho.

    Cake looks just right.

  7. turbinado sugar would be a great idea. My blueberries sank but we still loved it.

  8. Your cake looks great! I use cranberries but I'm looking forward to trying the blueberry version.
