Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TWD: Cottage Cheese Pufflets

While recovering from my red eye flight from Napa I still had yet to make this weeks TWD. I saw these on the roster at the beginning of the month and made a mental note that I would 'for sure' be making them. Well, it ended up that I made these literally last minute--not taking into account I needed to chill the dough for 3 hours. Hence, the horrible lighting in the photos and late post.

Regardless, these were delicious! I was so happy I participated. I cut the recipe in half because the recipe yielded 48 cookies! For a pregnant woman with no self control when it comes to sweets, I figured it would be best. I'm not quite sure how this would have yielded 48 cookies--because even cut in half I was only at best able to produce 12. Its possible I didn't roll my dough out thin enough, but any thinner and I wasn't able to pull the dough off the wax. I decided to make the 6 tonight and freeze the other 6 for later. (Because even 12 cookies for one night is WAY too many and Dorie says that these are best eaten the day of baking).

My father in law ended up stopping by to quiz me about baby names (his new favorite task) and all 6 cookies dissapeared out of the oven, barely making a photo op (and I'm sorry but I had hands reaching for these immediately and these were the best I could do in the poor dark lighting).

My point: these are great cookies and fairly easy to make despite the dough being a bit tricky to work with due to the 'stick' factor. I used wax paper to roll the dough out, but still found myself rolling out, then sticking back into the fridge to cool and then cutting and transferring to the sheet pan. I used fresh cherry preserves from a wonderful market in Traverse City, MI. The flavor is unexpected, and nothing what I would expect from cottage cheese! These really taste like pastry dough to me--and more of a turnover and not a cookie. I just happen to love turnovers!

I would definitely make these again and I am interested to try these maybe in a savory fashion!

Thanks so much to Jacque of Daisy Lane Cakes for hosting this week! Be sure to stop by her page for the recipe and also don't forget to check out Tuesday with Dorie's (TWD) blog roll to see what all the other lovely bakers were up to.


  1. Looks yum hun! Glad u had a nice time in Napa...we need to hook up soon! Rachael

  2. Thanks Rachel! We did have a nice time--sans our usual wine tasting. Would love to meet up ;)

  3. I agree that the cheesy dough would be great with a savoury filling. You did get some nice photos!

  4. The pufflets look wonderful, and I'm glad you got a chance to make these. I think I'm making a note just to roll these thicker next time. It seems like that must alleviate some stress with these cookies.

  5. I used cherry too and really enjoyed them. Yours do look good, I'm glad you had some help eating them. I hear you on the whole pregnant woman thing... it's a very hungry time.

    Anyway, thanks for baking along this week :)

  6. Glad they worked out for you. If this is a bad pic, I'm anxious to see a good one. They look great.

    Brown, puffy, and delicious.
