Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TWD: Chocolate Crunch Tart

This weeks TWD is hosted by Carla of Chocolate Moosey. Be sure to check out her page for the recipe!
I am suffering from sever pregnancy brain--its just not working! I made the TWD recipe for next week (stay tuned for the split level pudding) and while I was dealing with my mis-haps from that--I slowly realized that I had made the wrong recipe! OOPS! So today while juggling about 100 other tasks, I somehow made pastry dough, homemade caramel, and ganache.
Believe it or not, this tart was rather simple and straight forward to make. I've made Dorie's sweet tart dough many times and its very easy and always good. The caramel directions scared me--Dorie says that it will splatter but mine didnt seem to do that. Here I was, armed to my neck in pot holders, long sleeves, and a splatter guard--just to be sure I wasn't struck with 3rd degree burns. Luckily, I came out unscathed and it came together in minutes.
The ganache--well what could be easier to make than ganache? I know some of the other bakers were left with a lot of left over ganache, but I had just enough to fill my tart (to the brim of course).

The final verdict: It was rich, smooth and delicious. I really enjoyed the salty sweet taste of this and will definately make this again.

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