Monday, July 20, 2009

Creme Fraiche Roasted Salmon

I’ve been quite absent from the blogging world, and I think I am just caught up in trying to enjoy summer. (Although, our summer in Michigan has been a bit cold.) Whomever said there was global warming clearly has never been to our state.

Regardless, I have been cooking/baking but I have been enjoying many of my old stand-by’s while trying to take care of our sick dog (who is feeling much better now).

I made this salmon a few months ago, and I found the recipe in Bon Appétit. It’s so easy it’s sickening. You basically get a salmon filet, season with salt and pepper, then slather a healthy amount of crème fraiche on it and in the oven it goes. Dinner couldn’t be easier! I love that.

It’s funny how many cooking magazines and cook books I have obtained over the years, but I have to say, Bon Appétit has been by far the best. I love the pictures, but they always have something new and inventive, and appetizing. My cousin usually emails me when she gets hers to tell me what she plans to make or “oooh…did you see the…” It’s always like Christmas at the mailbox when I get it.

So if you are looking for something easy to make…this is it.

For the recipe, click here.

Salmon on Foodista


  1. Aww, thanks for the shout out!!!This looks so good, I can't believe I overlooked it....Maybe I'll use some sour cream and dill weed though.

  2. Delicious recipe.I followed you from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set to go, Thanks!

  3. We are not much warmer down here in Indiana either.

    Everyone is slacking this summer so don't feel bad. Enjoy the weather while we can.

    Love the simplicity of the salmon and always the best way.

  4. I'll definitely try your recipe. Looks so easy and tasty.
