Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TWD: Peach Tartlet

It’s TWD and a big thanks to Jessica from My Baking Heart for hosting this week!!

I decided to follow the ‘playing around’ section of this recipe because I bought a ton of peaches for the honey and peach ice cream (stay tuned it’s coming up next Tuesday!). I thought I would serve the two together but my hunger got the best of me mid-afternoon (before the ice cream was frozen) and I ate the tart. Before dinner.

I saved the other tart (as I only made two) for my husband to have after dinner anticipating that I would get to eat that one too as he usually eats one bite unless it’s a huge piece of chocolate something or other. So when I wandered into the kitchen late in the evening, he still had not eaten it. So I took a bite. When he saw me, he swooped into the kitchen and said “I thought that one was for me?” “Oh sorry”, I say with a mouth full of peachy tart. When I turned around….the tart was gone. GONE!

So needless to say, he loved it. I loved it.

Now a few things about this tart. First, it’s obvious that I used peaches and not apples. But you could use any similar fruit (pears, plums, apricots). And I would. I also added cinnamon sugar to the top. Because that is what I do.

Second, per request of Dorie, I bought ‘full butter’ pastry dough instead of Pepperidge Farm. I found mine at Trader Joe for $4.99 per the advice of the other bakers. I’m telling you—I shop Trader Joe weekly and have never noticed it. So I’m so thankful for our Q&A section on TWD—I always learn something. I will be buying this pastry dough from now on. It’s amazing. (Sorry guys, I was not motivated to try the pastry dough from scratch. Maybe next time. Because there WILL be a next time.)

The only thing I noticed about my tart that didn’t seem right was that it didn’t seem to rise as much as the picture in the book. I’m going to blame this on human error. I thought I was supposed to cut out rings to top the circle of pastry as I have seen this on a cooking show but I couldn’t get my geometry skills in tact to make sense of it. Since I had remaining dough—I just made cinnamon swirls ;)

If you would like the recipe, check out Jessica’s page! OR you can buy the book that all us Tuesday with Dorie bakers bake with!


  1. I, too, am now hooked on frozen puffed pastry. Your tartlets look just peachy!

  2. I made them with peach too...yum!!!

  3. Thanks so much for baking with me this week - glad you liked these! :)

  4. I wish there was full butter pastry in these parts.

    Alas...there is not.

  5. I love the look of your Parisian Peach Tartlet! I used the same TJ Puff Pastry and mine didn't puff either or at all! Yours looks a lot puffier than mines! I'm trying white peach tomorrow for the beau so I hope he has the same reaction as your husband!

  6. I have been guilty of eating dessert before dinner a lot. A whole lot, actually. So, I approve of your decision. The tart looks beautiful. I haven't made mine yet but I'm about to go get started so that we can have them for dessert tonight!

  7. gorgeous! i wish i could reach in and take a quick bite with my afternoon tea! :)

  8. Peaches were a popular substitute for apples this week. Your tartlet looks gorgeous! I really need to check out that TJ puff pastry since everyone is raving about it :)

  9. Your little tartlet looks so nice!

  10. This would be good with a cup of coffee

  11. Your peach tartlet looks fantastic; I thought these were a great afternoon snack! It seems like a lot of people have already made the peach ice cream, I can't wait to try it.

  12. Peach, how delicious.
    Your tartlets looks perfect!
    Nicely done!

  13. This looks great! No wonder they disappeared so fast! I find if I use a sharp knife to cut out the circles, the pastry puffs up more since the edges haven't been pressed together (like when I cut them with a cookies or biscuit cutter).
