Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TWD: Honey Peach Ice Cream

There is just something about ice cream that makes me happy. It just reminds me of the summers I spent in Northern Michigan with my family.

Each summer we would make the 3 hour trek to the lake…me and my two sisters crammed into the back seat. Typically we would fight about who was leaning on whom, who was breathing on whom, and who was ignoring who. I always got the middle seat because I was the youngest.
But after the one hundred questions to our mom and dad including “Are we there yet?” we would arrive at our destination, take in the smell of pine and evergreen trees and ….the smell of the lake. I love that smell.

Our vacation was never complete without a trip to our favorite candy and ice cream store, Ka-Jac’s (really it was a convenient store but to us….all we noticed was the ice cream and candy). I always got blue moon or superman. (What flavor is blue moon anyway? I’ve never been able to really figure that out?)

Even though I still love superman and blue moon ice cream, I have broadened my horizons to try a new ice cream when I go back to that party store. I don’t make it up to our family vacation spot as much anymore which is why I make a ton of ice cream at home.

I have never made peach ice cream, let alone honey peach; however it was a nice change! I left out the peach chunks because sometimes biting into ice fruit hurts my teeth. The ice cream was easy to make, and was very smooth. I used my handy Cuisinart ice cream maker. If you don’t have one—you really need to run out and get one. Homemade ice cream is so much better than store bought! The honey undertone flavor really makes the ice cream.

Thanks Tommi of Brown Interior for hosting TWD this week. If you would like the recipe—head on over to her page! You can also check out what the other bakers of TWD were up to this week by clicking on the blogroll.


  1. Your ice cream looks wonderful. I'm so glad you liked it!

  2. I love your story about summers by the lake. I could almost smell the air. Don't you just love the smell of "vacation"?
    Your ice cream looks lovely. I think that the little cinnamon twist was a great touch.

  3. What wonderful memories.

    They never had bluemoon or Superman ice cream when I was a kid.

  4. Your Honey Peach Ice Cream looks fantastic! And I love how you garnished it with a fresh slice of peach and is that a twist of puff pastry? =) Yummy!

  5. What a beautiful presentation! It looks and sounds amazing!

  6. I miss Ka Jacs!!!! Remember when we would stand on the dock and spit our ice cream into the lake and the fish would eat it....then we would leave with our box of candy cigarettes, lemon heads and ring pops back to the bon fire for burned marshmallows.

  7. Lovely story! Now I'm missing the cottage we had when I was a child.
    Beautiful photos!

  8. It looks perfect! Good call on leaving out the peach chunks.

  9. Your ice cream looks great and those sound like some fun summers! And seriously, I think everyone should own an ice cream maker, homemade ice cream is sooo good.

  10. Jessica- yes--there is nothing like the smell of vacation!

    Chocolatechic-I suggest you try some superman as an adult ;) It doesnt really measure up to chocolate though!

    Iasinthekitchen- yes- it is cinnamon puff pastry--I made this when I made the peach tartlette last week and had left over puff pastry!

    Anonymous-(Im thinking Lisa?) yes...I remember...how could I forget!!! Funny, Im craving a burnt marshmallow now.

    Clivia-Thank you! I miss my cottage too.

    Leslie- yes I just didnt want the peach chuncks, It was perfect without.

    Margot-I agree! I don't know how I ever lived without an ice cream maker!

  11. Love the story. What a wonderful presentation! Your ice cream looks great. Nicely done!
