Tuesday, June 2, 2009

TWD: Cinnamon Squares

I’m so happy to be back on the TWD Wagon again! This week was hosted by Tracey from Tracey’s Culinary Adventures . Be sure to run over to her page for the recipe!

I was running somewhat short on time this week between catching up on housework and dealing with new landscaping and a new fence going on at my house so I was quite pleased at how quickly this cake came together. It reminds me of a cinnamon spice cake my mom used to make. I liked the added twist of putting the cinnamon and sugar with the chocolate in the center.

The cake was moist and tender and very flavorful. The chocolate topping, although good, I think over powered the cake. Plus, once refrigerated it hardens, so I would recommend popping it in the microwave for 15 seconds to heat it up. Warm cinnamon cake=heaven.

I think next time I would either use a softer chocolate frosting or even a cream cheese frosting. I used a 10x6 pan since I didn't have an 8x8 (out of ALL my pans...I had a 9x9...but no 8x8??). I also mixed my chocolate to 50% bittersweet 50% semi-sweet since I was trying to use up random packages of chocolate in my pantry. The only thing I had to change was the baking time—I had to add about 5 minutes.

Thanks for hosting this week! If you would like to see how the other bakers did, check out TWD’s blogroll.


  1. It looks absolutely delicious! Glad you could make it even without the 8x8!!!

  2. Yummy! I love your process photos. I didn't refrigerate ours and it stayed fresh (but didn't last long) and the frosting didn't harden.

  3. I didn't do the chocolate frosting.

    Yours looks wonderful;.

  4. Love your step-by-step photos. Your cake look beautiful! Nice job!

  5. Thanks for baking with me this week! Love all of your photos! I thought the chocolate frosting overwhelmed the cake a bit too.

  6. Wow, your Cinnamon Square cake turned out gorgeous! The frosting on your cake is soo thick and yummy looking!
