Tuesday, May 5, 2009

TWD: Tiramisu Cupcakes

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie was hosted by Megan of My Baking Adventures. If you would like the recipe for this week’s TWD, be sure to stop by her page OR buy the book, "Baking From My Home to Yours", by Dorie Greenspan.

I will start by saying Tiramisu is not my favorite dessert. (I feel like I say that a lot which makes no sense because I consider myself a dessert fanatic). So knowing this ahead of time and having an entire cake in my house I knew it would be too much. After reading the Q&A, someone mentioned cupcakes, and that got me thinking. “I could make this into a cupcake!”

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this cake (cupcakes in my case) were! The recipe had a lot of components but each one was rather simple and NOT time consuming at all. I was able to finish everything in a matter of hours, including assembly.

The cake flavor reminded me of my favorite, dare I say….boxed yellow cake **ducking from the vegetables and fruit being thrown at me as I speak**. My point is, the batter was very tasty, but once cooked they came out sort of dry. I’m not sure if I over mixed (which I’m pretty sure I didn’t) or over cooked (which I really don’t think I did but…). I just felt that the cake turned out to be a tad stiff and not flavorful at all. I’m not sure if this is because it’s meant to be dry so that the cake can withstand soaking of the espresso syrup or what?

Curdled batter

Cupcakes ready for the oven

The espresso extract and syrup was very easy to make. I didn't have trouble finding the instant espresso as I have a specialty Italian market just blocks from my house. Gotta love that!

Instant Espresso

The mascarpone cream part was pretty easy, however I wouldn’t recommend mixing with a whisk because the mixture doesn’t come out smooth enough (just my opinion).

I hollowed out each cupcake using the cone method. For the cone method you cut around in the cupcake top about the size of a quarter with a small serrated knife into a circle. You should pull out the part of the cake and it will look like a cone.

Mascarpone cream

Then you fill the inside with your filling. In this case, I drizzled the espresso syrup in each hole, then piped in the mascarpone cream, then topped with chocolate shavings. I then put the cake top back on, and piped on more mascarpone cream, dusted with cocoa powder and chocolate shavings.
Cone Method

Espresso syrup in cupcakes

Filling in the cupcake

Overall, the cupcakes were not bad, but still not my favorite. I need more of a sugar buzz in my dessert. My husband took them to work and they were gone before he could set the container down. Not a bad sign!

Thank you Megan for hosting!

Next TWD: The Tartest Lemon Tart!


  1. Your cupcakes look soooo good. I actually added a bit more sugar and some cinnamon to the batter and also made cupcakes. Yum!!

  2. Oh brilliant. I actually trimmed and split my cupcakes ... just like little layer cakes. It took me FOREVER. I like your method much better!

    I also thought the batter was dry, but I agree that it's better able to stand the drenching with syrup that way, so maybe it's just the way it's meant to be.

  3. I love how you cut into your cupcakes.

    This wasn't my favorite either.

  4. Wow -love the cupcakes idea! I'm going to have to try that next time!

    Sorry that this wasn't on your favorites list ~

  5. I'm jealous! I just applied to join TWD and haven't heard back yet, but my favourite cake is tiramisu. I don't know why I didn't make it anyways. I was also worried about the "cake" part and the fact that it would probably be dry. Great job though, they look soo delicious!

  6. Sorry they weren't your favorite, but it sounds like they were a big hit! They look great!

  7. Marthe- Good idea...I think more sugar is an order!

    Kara- the cone method I will say was SUPER easy and I put these together rather quickly. I think you are right about the dryness ....glad it wasnt just me!

    Chocolatechic- Thank you! There are many MANY other desserts for us though... :)

    Megan- Yea! This was my first go at filling cupcakes so it was fun.

    Coco Bean- Thanks! Just keep trying to apply...they open up the member list every once in awhile...you just have to jump on it when they do!

    Teanna- Thank you! Too kind!

  8. Your cupcakes look amazing. I really like how you filled them and the frosting looks beautiful. Thanks for commenting on my blog today. It means alot.

  9. Your cupcakes are too adorable. I was wondering how cupcakes would work since it was a layer cake; now I know a good method for cutting them. Glad you were able to find some happy tasters!

  10. Oh, I love all these photos! I got the same kind of espresso! I love it when people show the products as sometimes I can't find something, so that is always nice to see what it was I was supposed to have found! Your cupcakes are just gorgeous...you really have a way with styling them!

  11. Kayte- Thank you so much for the very kind comments! I have MUCH to learn in the photo taking department but I learn from other bloggers. My skills have greatly improved over the last few months...and a new camera certainly helps! I agree--I think showing 'hard to find' products is key to helping people find things at the store. Sometimes you just dont know what to look for!

  12. You kill me every time you use the star tip for frosting your cupcakes! I LOVE that. Your process photos are awesome, and I wish I could grab one of those cupcakes they're so cute.

  13. Those are beautiful. Too bad they didn't work out for you. I like the idea of cupcakes.

  14. Your cupcakes look so delicious! Next time I make this recipe I'm definitely going with cupcakes instead of a layer cake. Sorry it wasn't your favorite.

  15. Tracey-I like the idea of cupcakes...I just think they are sometimes easier than trying to level a cake etc. ;)

    Leslie- ha! You know I had to bust out the star tip on a cupcake!

    Tea Lady- No biggie...there are pleanty of other desserts out in the world for me. ;)
