Tuesday, April 21, 2009

TWD: Four Star Chocolate Bread Pudding

I almost didn’t make it on TWD this week. You see, I didn’t grow up with bread pudding so I’m not exactly sure what it’s supposed to taste like. Plus, I have actually made this a couple times, each time, it has gone un-eaten.

Luck would have it that I threw out my challah loaf a few days ago leaving me with two choices: Wheat bread (ick…not a dessert-y bread) or my left over French Yogurt Cake I had in my freezer from a previous TWD. (BTW- it froze beautifully and tasted like the day I made it). So I went with the Lemon Yogurt cake. Although it was exactly 12 oz. that the recipe called for, the cake is much denser than regular bread so I should have cut the custard recipe in half. I ended up leaving out half the custard because it was really soupy.

French Yogurt Cake
Chocolate Custard

Soaking up the custard!

I didn’t use all bittersweet chocolate because I had several brands/types/kinds of chocolate needing to get used in my chocolate drawer so I used a mixture of unsweetened, semi-sweet, and bittersweet; mostly semi-sweet. I also never buy whole milk unless necessary for certain desserts so I used 2 cups low-fat milk, and 1 cup heavy cream. So my custard was probably more ‘egg-y’ because I cut the milk down by a cup knowing I would need to cut back the liquids. For added fun I added the dried cherries and about 1/3 of a cup of white chocolate chips.

Overall, I would have to say my perception still stands that this isn’t quite my favorite dessert. However, this has been much better than the others I have tried…and I will add very tasty with the lemon yogurt cake from a few weeks ago! I bet this would be delightful paired with ice cream.

Thank you Lauren from Upper East Side Chronicles for hosting this week. Be sure to stop by Lauren’s page if you would like the recipe OR you can also buy the book we bake from every week, “Baking From My Home to Yours”, by Dorie Greenspan. If you want to see what the other bakers were up to this week, be sure to visit Tuesday with Dorie’s Blogroll!


  1. Such a great idea to use the French Yogurt Cake! I have a few banana breads and other quick breads in the freezer and I never would have thought to put it to use here.

  2. I am going to have to check out TWD because all morning long my google reader has been tempting me with these.

    Even though I am not a bread pudding fan I still say chocolate makes everything taste 100x better.

  3. I like the white chocolate chips!

  4. Erin- The yogurt cake was good...but I think the challah was probably the better choice.

    Jeff- Agreed--chocolate always makes things better.

    Heather- yes the white chocolate chips just added an extra kick! I liked them.

  5. Way to turn this one from a "no thank you" to a "yes please"! I can see how that yogurt cake would be good as a bread pudding base - it was so delicious as a cake.

  6. Oh yum, I bet this would be fantastic with the yogurt cake! Great idea.

  7. You are one creative girl. Sounds so delish. I used challah which was a really nice buttery flavor with the chocolate. You're a trooper to make a recipe you weren't sure you would like.

  8. The yogurt cake wasn't half bad...now I just need to find some folks to eat this with me!

  9. Good recycling of ingredients, it looks yummy! Adding the fruit and chips was a good idea, mine could of used some texture.

  10. What a good idea to use the leftover yogurt cake -- and it's true to the original "use-up-the-leftovers" idea of bread pudding. Glad it worked out for you!

  11. Yogurt Cake pudding sounds incredibly good! And the white chocolate chips in the chocolate cake pudding look delicious too. I love the baking pan that you used, it's so pretty.

  12. Thanks Barbara!

    Jessica, thank you, and I bought a few 'pretty white' pans at Marshalls Homegoods....Im a sucker for baking supplies. ;)

  13. Great idea to use the left over cake. Bet it made it really good. Looks that way!!!

  14. Great idea! I really enjoyed this, especially warmed up with chocolate syrup or cream anglaise!
