Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TWD Rewind: Malted Whopper Cookies!

I had to rewind TWD….all the way to September 2008.

You see….my husband LOVES malted anything. Malted ice cream to be specific. So when I was leafing through “Baking From My Home to Yours” for my Coconut Butter Thins, I found these Malted Whopper Cookies and decided…I HAD to make BOTH cookies.

These cookies are chewy…but have that crunch of the cooked whoppers in the cookies. The texture is amazing…and the taste is amazing.

Pair these up with some milk….pure heaven.

I didn’t eat these for breakfast. Nuh – uh. Nope.

Just call me Veruca Salt.

Want the recipe? Visit TWD’s host from way back when, Rachel from Confessions of a Tangerine Tart to get it!


  1. What a great rewind! I made those in January (I think) and I absolutely loved them. I couldn't stop putting them in my mouth. Come to think of it, I still have some Ovaltine, maybe it's time to make them again?

  2. I know...these were so dang good. I think I saw you made them and that may be the first spark of interest. :) I used malted powder but....I think they would be even better with Ovaltine...if that is even possible ;P

  3. I still haven't made these, I really want to. They look awesome!

  4. Oh My! These look absolutely delicious!! Love the ooey gooey choccolately-ness and the malt, delicious! Great photos!

  5. I loved those!!! Whoppers are my absolute favorite movie candy.

  6. Happy I found these because whoppers were one of my favorite candies growing up.

  7. I loved these cookies! Im glad you enjoyed them too.

  8. Maria,Donna--you must make these STAT!

    Beth/Jeff--I love Whoppers too! I used to LOVE the Whopper eggs when I was a kid at Easter because I used them as lipstick. Strange...I know.

  9. These cookies totally converted me from a Whopper hater to a Whopper lover back when I made them with TWD last fall. Yours look incredible! In fact, you've got me craving them again. Maybe this weekend :-)
