Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TWD: World Peace Cookies

This week’s TWD is hosted by Jessica of Cookbook habit. If you would like to see the recipe for these great World Peace Cookies, be sure to wander over to her page to check it out! OR of course you can always purchase Dorie Greenspan’s book, Baking From My Home to Yours.

I have only been cooking with TWD since November but I have to say, this is without a doubt, my favorite recipe thus far. In fact, these are THE best cookies I have ever eaten (ditto for my hubs who tells me this as he stuffs 2 cookies in his mouth ). To think I even considered cutting the recipe in half.....I swear it was only a split second of insanity until I came to my senses. I'm much better now, I swear.
What I love best about these cookies is the sweet/salty taste. I used sea salt instead of the fleur de sel because it was $12.99 at my local gourmet grocery store and I just couldn’t stomach spending that on a small container of ‘salt’. I don’t think it affected the taste since I thought these were SO wonderful.
I can’t put my finger on what these cookies remind me of, but I’m thinking they are very much like a very chocolate-y brownie in flavor, but not really the cakey texture. These just melt in your mouth like a butter cookie….only these are LOADED with chocolate.
What is NOT to love about this cookie!?

I didn’t have any problems with the cookies crumbling while slicing like I saw on the Q&A but I did take one of the other bakers advice and froze mine first. I will say….these were an absolute BEAR to slice when frozen.... and I had a sharp knife!
Had I not been part of this group, I may have never considered making these. (I think I told you I am a total visual person, meaning I make things based on the pictures that accompany a recipe). Good thing the directions from the book are absolutely perfect, and I wouldn’t change a thing about these cookies. These will TOTALLY be part of my cookie repertoire for years to come. Thanks so much Dorie for sharing!


  1. I *did* cut the recipe in half - big mistake! You made a wise choice. Glad you loved them.

  2. So glad these were a hit for you - I love the pictures!

  3. Wow - what a rave review - I guess you really liked these?

  4. You are so right! I cut the recipe in half, and Jeff ate them all before I could get a photo. Had to make another batch. Darn.

  5. I know I'll be making these many more times! Great review!

  6. Its great that you and your family enjoyed these cookies. They truly look great.. so moist and yummy!

  7. It looks like most of us loved these cookies!! Thanks for all the nice comments. And ditto...these are not a cookie recipe that you cut in half!! :)

  8. Seriously... Dorie has some great recipes, but this is definitely my favorite as well! Great photos!

  9. Yours look sooo yummy! Great job on your 3rd TWD Tuesday.

  10. I think.....No, I know this is my favorite recipe so far. They are amazing. Glad you and your hubs liked them too. Happy Baking.
