Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TWD: Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins

This week’s TWD was Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins, chosen by Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake. If you would like the recipe, you will have to meander over to her page to take a look see.

To be honest, I made these because they looked easy, not necessarily because I wanted to try them. (And yes...these were very easy) I used to love corn muffins and muffins altogether when I was a kid, but for some reason, these days they aren’t my fave. I am not sure why. Maybe it's because I am so used to cakes that I really prefer a moist crumb.

So I decided I would knock off my second week for TWD with these muffins in the event my life became so insanely busy that I didn’t have time to do the other weeks (for someone who is unemployed at the moment…I chuckle, but believe me folks…I am busy. HA!)
Anyhew! I went with all the other TWD’ers and made a pot of chili with these and ate them yesterday for lunch.

I was a little skeptical because I have never made a muffin with peppers, let alone a jalapeño!! But I was pleasantly surprised with the sweet undertones from the sugar. I myself am not a Southerner (only by my grandparents roots could I be considered one) so I prefer the sugar in my muffins. I think its probably really an 'expectation' thing. When I think muffin, I think sweet. I really enjoyed this muffin, especially with my chili! It was so delicious, I had 2.

My homemade chili and TWD Savory Corn and Pepper Muffin, YUM!

I didn’t find these dry at all and that is probably because of the buttermilk, something I require to bake with in my cakes because I think it makes them so much moister.

I will definitely make these again, I loved them!

Muffin with my smart balance butter. lol, have to cut somewhere!

Dry ingredients. I used dry buttermilk, so that is the extra 'dry' you are seeing.

Adding the liquids in...
Look at these colors! You would think it was summer in this arctic chill of winter in Michigan!

Ready for the muffin tins!

Ready for the oven


  1. Your muffins look great! I made chili to go with mine also.

  2. They look so good! I love all of the pictures documenting the process of making them and the colors of the muffins were very summer-ish. It was nice to have in the dead of winter.

  3. Thanks girls! I try to take pics during the process...but sometimes I forget. :) And summer-ish? I totally agree! umm did I mention its going to be 5 below tomorrow??? yea.....

  4. Definitely a great winter recipe selection....who knew we would all be talking chili on a baking group blog. Great looking muffins
