Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TWD: Tall and Creamy Cheesecake and Double Trouble!

I am doing TWD this week…out of order. Anne of Anne Strawberry is hosting this version of TWD, so if you would like the recipe, check here! (If it is not posted yet, check back later in the month as Cheesecake wasn't on the TWD menu until the last week of December!)

If there were ever a cheesecake to change my mind about all cheesecakes….it would be this one. Yes, I admit, I have never really been a huge fan of it. But something struck me about this recipe that I was enticed to give it ‘one more try’. Not only did the recipe it include so many tips and direction, but it also gave so many enticing ideas for change.
I thought, change is good.

Let’s face it, we all go to restaurants and see the same old tired cheesecake listed on the menu. It’s enough to make me pass on dessert (almost). I don’t know about you but I was ready to experience a ‘new’ and improved cheesecake.

And "New and Improved"...it was!

I used the gingerbread crust from "Baking From My Home to Yours". My Cheesecake flavor I chose was cinnamon to compliment the gingerbread crust, but surprisingly, Dorie didn't have that in her book (out of ALL the numerous suggestions...I was really surprised!). So I added a few teaspoons of cinnamon.

My other alteration was that I used half mascarpone cheese and half cream cheese just because I am not a huge cream cheese fan. The mascarpone gives it a milder, creamy taste that was amazing!

And...there is an added bonus!!! (insert snide comment for the home shoppers network...lol!)...I made mini cheesecakes so it allowed me to sneak in a chocolate crust and orange cheesecake. I know...pretty crazy for a gal who didn't care for cheesecake!

So this week of TWD was a success! I think I might just make this again for Christmas!


  1. You're right -- how did I miss cinnamon as a variation?! Glad you came up with it. I bet it was great with the crust.

  2. Wow! A comment from Dorie, I couldn't be more honored! The cinnamon was amazing with the gingersnap crust! Thank you for all the tips in the recipe, they really helped!

  3. Cheesecake is my all time favorite dessert - as long as it's not from a restaurant. Yours look great. Nice job. (And even nicer since Dorie gave the flavor a thumbs up...)

  4. Thanks TeaLady!!! I know, pretty cool, huh? Well, they were mini cheesecakes so the look of them could use some work, but once they were cut into slices they looked fine....and the taste was great!! :)

  5. Love the minis! I made ours already also and used White Chocolate for sweetener. Yumm!

  6. cinnamon is a great add...i did eggnog version with a ton of cinnamon and nutmeg and it was YUM!!!! looks yummy!

  7. Mara- OOOH the eggnog version sounds SO good right now!!! Im craving some sweets. :)

  8. I love your many variations; this really was a great recipe for trying different flavor combinations. Cinnamon has to be the next one I do!

  9. Leslie, thanks!! I really like the Cinnamon too! My husband keeps asking when I am making it again. lol

  10. Wow, don't you love it when she comes by for a visit?!? So cool!!! I love cinnamon too that is way cool. I made mine with a gingersnap crust. I just used store bought though. Anyway, a comment from Dorie is a comment from Dorie. Great Work!
