Wednesday, December 10, 2008

TWD: Sugar Cookies post ...Stay Tuned

Sorry, I should have posted a note last night letting you all know that I am going to delay my post for the TWD sugar cookies. My cookie day with my nephews is later this week and I wanted to share the baking fun with them.

I did jump ahead and made two, yes TWO kinds of cheesecake so I am really excited to post those...they were SOOOO yummy!

So stay tuned...I've got some fun stuff I'm bakin' up!

What's on its way?
Gingerbread Cookies
Sugar Cookies, Dorie Style
Chocolate Orange Cheesecake
Gingersnap Cinnamon Cheesecake
Peanut Buddies
Pot Roast
Another Birthday Cake??

As you can see...I have a lot on my plate. No pun intended!

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