Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TWD: Linzer Sables

It’s another week of TWD and to kick of the month of December, Dennis from Living the Life chose Linzer Sables. Check out his version of these cookies, as well as the recipe if you are interested in baking them! You can also check out the blog roll at Tuesdays with Dorie to see what the other bakers have done!

I know…it’s nearly 10pm my time and I am getting my entry in JUST before the clock strikes midnight. Well, it was no Cinderella story for me today. My hot water heater blew out yesterday and I had a mess on my hands. I wasn’t about to tear up my kitchen without running water this morning so I had to wait until late afternoon to begin making these cookies.
I love busting out the food processor...to ...process stuff!
And why did I wait until the last day to make these? Because…I’m a slacker…and I can. :) Jk…common people…if you saw the feast I had here on Thanksgiving you would know that this girl was TIRED and needed a cooking break!
The evolution of the dough!

I would have to say, I am improving with each week. I think I have realized that I have gotten into a rut so to speak with my baking b/c I always considered myself a great baker. But I think much of that is attributed to the fact that I bake my favorites….over…and over again. Maybe that’s why I think I am so good, because I get so much practice on the other things I make. So this is great…it forces me to do something new and step outside the box.
Each week I have to break out some problem solving skills…and I find it humbling to stumble through even the simplest things.
I wanted to step out on a limb and deviate from the recipe this week. I chose the almonds for the nut portion, and mixed in melted chocolate to the cookie mixture. (Why? Because…I LOVE chocolate!) I think next time I may add cocoa powder if I do this because the melted chocolate made these too sticky to cut out. In fact, I had to freeze my dough in order to cut out a cookie at all. Otherwise I had a melted mess! I would HIGHLY encourage anyone rolling out cookies to use wax paper. What a great easy way to roll out cookies! Thanks Dorie for the tip!
I filled the cookies with raspberry jam and topped with the powdered sugar. If it wasn’t so late, and I wasn’t so out of energy…I thought of making a fluffy white frosting to put in between the cookies with the jam…but tomorrow is another day and I may just try it. So keep an eye and an ‘updated’ post.

So here they are…a chocolate almond linzer cookie…just in time for the holidays.

Santa? Please bring me a water heater. :)

My verdict: These were ok. Probably not my favorite but I’m not sure if it’s just a texture thing from the nuts? I’m not much of a ground nut person in my dessert. I will try the frosting with them tomorrow. :)


  1. LMAO I to am a slacker. I waited until last night to make my cookies :} Yours look great!

  2. I love the wax paper trick, too! And I'm feeling your pain with the water heater. We had plumbing problems last summer, and I thought I was going to lose my ... what was it? ... MIND. ;)

  3. Danielle, lol! I know..I was just tired of my kitchen being destroyed from the holiday...not to mention I couldnt even run water to clean up the mess I was about to make!

    Rebecca, isnt it amazing how just running water could stunt my entire day? I was losing my mind!

  4. You are so right - baking like this every week makes me sharpen old skills and try some new ones.
