Sunday, December 14, 2008

Apple Crisp and a Delayed Thanksgiving Post

I'm so embarrassed to even post my Thanksgiving feast because I put it off, then forgot. Oops! My brother in law was so adamant that I post 'his' (really it's my Mother-in-laws ;) ) apple crisp so...I feel since the guy cooks once a year (at Thanksgiving because his job is to bring the apple crisp to my house) I felt I should at least give him some recognition.

The pictures in the post are from making this myself to show you the steps and process in making it, of course, I chopped the recipe in half!

Thanksgiving at our place went well! I am getting really good at hosting large gatherings and finally learning how to plan ahead and I am also learning to 'relax' at the party. I also enlist my family to help and everyone brings something, whether its a dish, wine, beer, whatever. Every bit helps and for that I am truly grateful.
The kitchen getting ready for the frenzy

Let the eating, BEGIN!

This is actually MY plate...I think I ate all of it. *burp* Excuse me! :)

Me and my two brother in laws...Nick OPEN YOUR EYES!

And....the dessert table! It was PUMPKIN GALORE!!! Surprised? I didn't think so..

My BIL, Nick...sleeping immediately after the tryptophan kicked in. lol

We had my BIL's new puppy, Bella, here also so she got to visit with her big cousin (our dog), Annie. Annie is slowly learning how to play nice with other dogs and share with Bella. Well... Sometimes. :)

The two playing in the yard...

I am utterly appalled that she even ALLOWED Bella into her room!

I can't wait to celebrate again with family at Christmas..."It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

Oh, right.. you are here for recipes...not my silly family stories.... here is the Apple Crisp Recipe!

Apple Crisp
Recipe by: Claudia M. , Nick M.

1 cup oats
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
1 t. cinnamon
dash salt
1/2 cup butter

Mix above together until consistency of crumbs.

Peel and cut up enough McIntosh (I used Honey FAVE!) apples to fill a 9x13 baking dish. 3-4 lbs.

Pour oat mixture over apples spreading evenly.
Bake at 350 degrees about 40 minutes or until apples are done.

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