Sunday, October 26, 2008

Italian Fried Egg Sandwich with Pesto and Mascarpone Cheese

My favorite day of the week is Sunday. It's the one day of the week that both my husband and I are home and we always make sure that we spend time together. It’s not like we do anything extravagant, it’s really just the simple tasks we enjoy doing together and it usually consists of : Breakfast, the farmers market, running errands, doing yard work, or relaxing on our patio (if the Michigan weather holds up).

We rarely go out to breakfast because we would rather dine in the comforts of our own home: Café Coco. J I will admit, many of the things I make I have tried at restaurants and then I try to re-create those dishes at home.

A few weeks ago, my brother in law and nephew were in town and we met for breakfast at one of our favorite restaurants in town. My husband ordered this sandwich which was one of the specials and I had entrée envy like nobody’s business. I found my hands lingering over to his plate more than once to steal a bite. So I couldn’t WAIT until today, because I was going to make this. I must say…it’s a great way to start a Sunday.

What’s your favorite day of the week?

Italian Fried Egg Sandwich with Pesto and Mascarpone Cheese

4 Eggs
¼ Cup Mascarpone Cream
1 T Prepared Pesto (Recipe to follow)
4 Slices of ‘crusty’ bread (I used a sourdough Boulé)
Sliced Fontina Cheese
Heirloom Tomato (or any kind of tomato)

All you need

1. Preheat a frying pan for the eggs, and a flat griddle for the bread
2. Mix together the mascarpone cream and pesto

Mixing the pesto and mascarpone. If only you could SMELL this, WOW!
3. Slice tomatoes thin, slice fontina cheese thin (or you can shred it)

Look at the marbling in this heirloom! SO pretty!
4. Butter the bread on one side

5. Start by frying the eggs in one pan. Then, on the griddle put the bread butter side down.
Yes, I am in my slippers....

6. Start topping the bread with the cheese, tomato and pesto spread to get it warm and toasty

7. You can break the yolks if you want or cook them until the yolks are fairly firm. Then fold the eggs on top of each slice.
See how the egg whites fold over?

8. Each sandwich should have 2 eggs, one for each half. If you fold them right, the egg should stay intact when you slice.
9. Enjoy!

Look at that cheese oozing out! mmmmm
Basic Pesto Recipe:
1/3 Cup Toasted Pine Nuts
2 Cups Fresh Basil
1 Clove Garlic, pealed
½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ Cup Parmesan

1. In a food processor, put garlic, toasted pine nuts, and basil. Blend until smooth
2. With the food processor still running, slowly drizzle the olive oil in a steady stream.
3. Add cheese, pulse the food processor again to mix it in.
4. Season with Salt and Pepper.
5. You can save this in the freezer in ice cube trays for quick prep later, or you can save in individual containers in the freezer.

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